Operation of LIBS elemental analyzer for inline volume flow analysis of minerals in mining and steel industry Amit Ashan, Dr. Christian Bohling The field of quality control and process analysis in mining and steel industry is constantly subjected to converge with the ongoing development of primary/secondary raw material sorting with qualitative and quantitative classification of customer specific material class. In terms of online structural characterization of minerals; cross sensitivity, particle size distribution, nonlinear behavior as well as the effect of elements with minor concentrations plays a major role. Additionally, online analysis duration, quantitative precision at high speed, lateral resolution and safety regulations also have significant influences. Thus to precisely specify the materials based on their molecular or atomic structures; analytical technology should incorporate an efficient sensing as well as advanced chemometrics method. |
An evaluation of plastic classification techniques using Hyperspectral Near-Infrared Imaging Dipl. Ing. Marcel Bosling, Tarek Stiebel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz, Aljoscha Steffens, Univ.-Prof. Prof. Dr.-Ing Dorit Merhof Due to the slow biodegradation of plastic and the increasing amount of produced material, recycling of plastic waste is of major importance to reduce the negative impact on the environment that an ever-growing world population causes. The versatile nature of plastic products, however, impede the development of simple recycling technologies and due to the low cost of virgin material as well as the reduced quality of recyclate, the incentives for recycling are limited from an economic point of view. |
Non-ferrous scrap metals classification by hyperspectral and multi-energy X-ray transmission imaging Lorraine Braibant, Sophie Leroy, Pierre Barnabé, Godefroid Dislaire, Eric Pirard The European environmental initiative on raw materials has recently promoted the efforts in recycling and recovery of metal alloys. Extraction of purified higher-value alloy streams from non-ferrous metal waste turned out to be a challenging task due to the diversity of alloys and the resemblance in their physical properties. |
Machine vision based measurement system for quantity and quality inspection of aggregates transported on conveyer belts Anna Bzymek, Michał Kontny Research presented in the paper involved development and integration of machine vision system suitable for inspection of material transported on conveyor belts. The main motive behind this research was the need for a low cost and reliable solution suited for a real time volume and size distribution assessment of transported bulk material. |
Next generation urban mining – Laser-based sensing and sorting of electronic scrap Sven Conneman, Roland Ambrosch, Cord Fricke-Begemann, Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Eschen An overview will be presented on current R&D activities of the European project ADIR – running since 9/2015 - dealing with the automated disassembly, identification, separation and recovery of valuable materials from electronic equipment. Main focus are end-of-life cell phones and printed circuit boards from server and network electronics. |
Application of Optical Sensor-Based Sorting for Preconcentration of Seafloor Massive Sulphides Univ.-Prof. Dr.- Ing. Hermann Wotruba, Klaus M. Hahn, Jutta Lennartz, Prof. Rolf Arne Kleiv, Prof. Kurt Aasly Due to an increasing demand for valuable and critical metals and decreasing onshore resources, the development of deep-sea mining strategies became more important during the last decade. Both polymetallic nodules and seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) deposits have been identified as potential metal resources for the future. |
Drill Core Analysis by Neutron Activation (Drill Core Analyzer “CorA”) Marius Hirsch In order to ensure the supply of mineral resources, the constant development of new deposits is required. The highest matters of expense may appear during the prospection and exploration and, more precisely, result from the retrieval of samples by drilling and trenching. The samples´ analyses and the evaluation of the results are the basis for further planning steps. Information about the deposit´s extent and quality are needed for a feasibility study, which precedes mining activities. |
Assessing Ore Heterogeneity for Bulk Sorting at the New Afton Copper Mine Bern Klein, Eleberel Erdenebat, Stefan Nadolski, Mike Samuels Over the past 15 years, there have been significant advances in particle sorting systems, but development of bulk sorting systems has received less attention. |
Methodology for the evaluation of ore sorting potential: approach in CIS PhD Alexey Kobzev SBS ore tests are mainly done in the laboratories of equipment manufacturers most of whom have their own research methodologies. Since approaches vary, it is difficult to interpret and analyze the outcomes when comparing the results obtained from different laboratories. |
Application of Area-Scan Sensors in Sensor-Based Sorting Robin Gruna, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Längle, Dr.-Ing Siegmar Wirtz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Scherer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Beyerer In the field of machine vision, sensor-based sorting is an important real-time application that enables the separation of a material feed into different classes. |
Demonstration of a Magnetic Resonance Analyser for Bulk Copper Ore Sorting David Miljak, Dr. Peter Coghill This paper describes the field demonstration of a new on-conveyor sensor for bulk sensing and sorting of copper ores. |
Towards smart e-waste demanufacturing Systems exploiting multisensor vision system capabilities Nicoletta Picone, Francesco Baiguera, Marcello Colledani The recycling market, with a yearly growth rate of 10% in the last five years, is one of the key industries for closing material loops and approaching the innovative circular economy paradigm. |
Large scale waterjet printing for the ultra-fast high definition sensor sorting technology Dr. Pingping Wen, Professor Dr. Peter C. Rem An important remaining issue of the standard sensor sorters based on air jets (blow bars) or mechanical actuators to remove the selected particles from a stream is that there exists a conflict between the recovery rate and the grade of the recovered product, when sorting small, say mm-sized materials. |
On-line analysis for the classification of metal and plastic scrap using Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and machine learning algorithms Jonas Petersson, Baptiste Ottino, Arne Bengtson, Bertrand Noharet, Tania Irebo Schwartz Several approaches to machine learning algorithms for the analysis of LIBS data collected from scrap pieces on conveyor belt have been tested. The methods include decision tree, artificial neural networks, and principal component analysis based techniques. |
Short wave infrared hyperspectral imaging based procedures for quality control of recycled aggregates from end-of-life concrete Prof. Silvia Serranti, Prof. Dr-Ing. Giuseppe Bonifazi, Roberta Palmieri Recycling of demolition waste (DW) can contribute to secure ample supplies of concrete aggregates for high-value "green concrete" production, limiting the non-renewable resources exploitation that cause several environmental (i.e. land loss, impacts and pressures due to quarry activities, etc.) and economical (i.e. costs linked to transport, waste of materials still usable, etc.) drawbacks (Lotfi et al., 2014; Di Maria et al., 2016; Vefago and Avellanda, 2013). |
Hyperspectral imaging applied to quality controlof end-of-life plastics waste Prof. Dr-Ing. Giuseppe Bonifazi, Prof. Silvia Serranti, Giuseppe Capobianco The production of end-of-life (EOL) polymer waste has dramatically increased over the last 60 years. |