Vegetable oil extraction of petroleum hydrocarbons from soil and subsequent separation via non-woven fabrics
© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2020)
The current combination, though, of using microemulsions of plant oil in water to extract mineral hydrocarbons in-situ from the soil and to separate that contaminated oil phase from water via non-wovens is novel and in preliminary experiments was shown be to very promising in terms of costs and performance.

Mine Water Treatment by Membrane Filtration Processes – Upscale Experiments
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2011)
The worlds’ diminishing water resources together with stricter environmental legislation lead to the development of new technologies for the treatment of water for mining activities. In arid and remote mining areas a promising approach is the integration of membrane technology into state of the art mine water treatment processes. Reverse Osmosis (RO) as well as the lower pressure nanofi ltration (NF) may be suitable operations to be considered. Recently an NF membrane identifi ed in previous tests was subject to further investigation in two upscale modules. The acidic water, containing sulphate and a variety of metals, was fed into a disc- and a Spacer Tube® spiral wound module in recycle mode. The setup was tested at different working points over 145 h for each run. The results show applicability of NF for desalination of AMD under the mentioned conditions. No visible drop in permeate fl ux was observed, although some scaling occurred.

Filterability and Floc size in Membrane Bioreactors: European Scale Assessment
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2011)
Filterability is a recognized parameter to evaluate membrane bioreactor (MBR) sludge quality. A link was established between fi lterability and submicron particles, i.e. sludge with worse fi lterability has a higher amount of submicron particles. In this research, the relation between fi lterability and suspended particles, measured through particle counting in the range 2–100 μm, was investigated to evaluate whether suspended material can be a source of submicron particles, causing the aforementioned fi lterability decrease. The research was performed at 4 pilot-scale MBRs, complementing previous research performed at 4 full-scale MBRs. Results showed that MBR activated sludge fi lterability improves with increasing sludge fl oc size, supporting the initial hypothesis. Nevertheless, in one single MBR installation varitions in the membrane tank floc size are likely to be limited.

Biofilms on aged Materials in Household Installation Systems
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (8/2010)
The causes of contamination originate in the water itself and on materials in contact with water. Drinking water is not sterile and does not have to be. Water treatment plants’ strategy consists in removing the nutrients that bacteria feed on to produce “biostable” drinking water. This allows in many cases chlorination to be avoided. But it is known that even biologically stable drinking water with very low nutrient content still contains micro-organisms. These micro-organisms can multiply themselves if they encounter nutrients.

Chemical Oxidants for the Remediation of Organic Soil Pollutants
© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2006)
The investigation of the possibilities to deploy chemical oxidation methods usually requires a three-step procedure.

Pyrolisis, gasification and plasma technologies
© IWWG International Waste Working Group (11/2006)
The development of pyrolysis and gasification plants has shown that waste is a very difficult material to be treated. The basic problems are the heterogenic material with a lot of hazardous components which pollute the gas, the char, the oil and the waste water. Nevertheless waste components with a high calorific value and little contaminates is used in pyrolysis as well as gasification plants. The plasma technology has not proven to be a reliable option in waste management.

Exemptions from Statutory Water Management Objectives: Requirements, Spheres of Responsibility, Unresolved Implementation Issues
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (4/2006)
Pursuant to Sec. 25a-d, 36, and 36b of the Federal Water Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz) all water management objectives and the consequent implementation measures are to be elaborated by 31 December 2009.

Convergence or Divergence of National Legal and Administrative Structures? Europeanisation Effects of the Environmental Impact Assessment in Germany and England (Part 1)
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2/2006)
In the past few years the effects of European integration on national legal and administrative structures have increasingly attracted the attention of legal and administrative analysts.

Efficiency of Grouting Materials being used as Water well and Borehole Sealing Agents 
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (12/2003)
Bentonite is an essential component of the grouting materials used for sealing the annular space of water and monitoring wells. 

Summary of the uranium mining and milling activity of the Mecsekerc Environment
© ICP Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Czurda und Partner mbH (6/2001)
Uranium ore mining activity started in southern part of Hungary in 1958, while milling in 1962. During operation period almost 47 million tonnes of rock has been removed, out of which 1.4 million tons were exported to the former Sovietunion, the remaining was processed on the sites of the Mecsek Ore Mining Co. (MEC).



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