The Role of Law for Coastal Adaptation to Rising Sea Levels
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (11/2022)
Der Artikel beleuchtet die Rolle des Rechts für die Anpassung an den steigenden Meeresspiegel und einen zukunftsfähigen Küstenschutz. Die derzeitig u.a. in Deutschland vorherrschende Verteidigungsstrategie dürfte auf Dauer an ihre Grenzen stoßen, insbesondere aufgrund zukünftig zu erwartender Kostensteigerungen. Obwohl konkrete Anpassungsmaßnahmen stark von den örtlichen Gegebenheiten abhängen, ist eine Langzeitorientierung von Anpassungsstrategien insgesamt erforderlich. Dies hilft, Maladaptation und sog.

Planning and Design of Kemah Arch Dam in a Very Strong Seismic Region
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
The Kemah arch dam is situated in Turkey close to the Eurasian Seismic Zone, where the peak ground acceleration of a 2 500-year earthquake reaches to a value of 0.70g. In this paper, the planning and design of the arch dam are reported besides presentation of main features of the project. Based on the results of geological and geotechnical investigation including the karstic foundation, shape of the arch dam was optimized using the time-history approach to cope with the extraordinary seismic loading, and the stresses in the arch dam and foundation were analysed in each time step. Based on the determined tensile and compressive stresses, the required concrete classes were accordingly defined.

Deformation Behavior of Sanibey Dam Concrete Slab Joints
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
The 130.0 m high Sanibey Dam is located on Seyhan River in the southern part of Turkey. Construction of CFRD, concrete faced rockfill dam, was completed at the beginning of 2010 and full reservoir level was reached in 2011. The goal of this study is to present the prediction of joint movements to be expected during impounding, based on the observed settlements as monitored during construction for Sanibey Dam. For this purpose, first, the actual construction stages are modeled in finite element model according to the real construction schedule and then, material properties are obtained from back analysis of construction stage. Finally, instrumentation readings of impounding stage are compared with calculated joint displacement values and discussed.

Wind Farm Development in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: A Policy Odyssey without Precedent
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (12/2012)
Belgium has a coastline of 65 km and a territorial sea and continental shelf of 3 600 km,2 thus making it the smallest maritime area in North-West Europe. The Belgian marine environment is intensively used by different actors, competing with each other for limited space. Activities include recreation and tourism, shipping, fisheries, dredging, military activities, laying of cables and pipelines and mineral extraction.

Multifunctional Spaces for Flood Management – an Approach for the City of Hamburg, Germany
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2012)
If design criterion of sewer systems is exceeded, sewer overflow and flooding of streets and properties with tremendous damage can be the consequence. Taking the risks and consequences of climate change into account, in combination with increasing surface sealing, the City of Hamburg has to face an increase of sewer overflow and flooding of streets. A broadly discussed approach for flooding problems caused by sewer overflow and surface run-off during extreme precipitation events among urban drainage planners is the implementation of multifunctional spaces as a risk prevention measure. Within the project RISA – Rain InfraStructure Adaption, HAMBURG WASSER and the State Ministry for Urban Development and Environment of Hamburg initiated pilot projects to analyze chances and opportunities for multifunctional spaces under existing conditions.

The Contribution of Integrated Water Management to Achieving Environmental Protection and Sustainability Outcomes in the New Urban Areas of Melbourne, Australia
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2012)
Achieving sustainable development continues to remain a priority for the governments of the world, especially in attempting to deal with population growth, increasing expansion of our cities, and climate change. Indeed, the Brundtland (1987) definition of sustainable development – to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs – has never seemed more urgent or more challenging. Water issues play a very key role in sustainable development, and as the United Nations Environment Program has commented, “water is not only the most basic of needs, but is also at the centre of sustainable development”.

Seasonal Variation of Nutrients, COD and BOD5 in Klisova Lagoon Channels (S.E. Mesolonghi-Aetoliko Lagoon Complex), W. Greece
© PSP - Parlar Scientific Publications (12/2010)
seasonal variations June / 09 – May / 10 of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium and phosphates), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS), as well as pH, salinity (S‰) and dissolved oxygen (DO), were measured over twelve months in four channels, which discharge their load into Klisova lagoon.

The Effect of Environmental Parameters on Algal Assemblages in Human-Impacted Suburban Brooks
© PSP - Parlar Scientific Publications (12/2010)
The response of the taxonomic structure of algal assemblages, several trophic and saprobic indices and taxa richness to environmental gradients was investigated in small suburban streams with high organic and trophic load. Gradients of nutrient richness, electrical conductivity and substratum (a gradient from muddy to stony substratum) were considered. Although all the gradients explained a significant portion of variance in the taxonomic structure of algal assemblages, the gradient of nutrient richness was the most important.

Comparison of IMS-Free and IMS Real-Time PCR Detection of Giardia lamblia from Surface Water
© PSP - Parlar Scientific Publications (12/2010)
Giardia lamblia is one of the most important waterborne pathogenic protozoa. Its occurrence in source and drinking water threatens human health seriously. In this study, four quantitative real-time PCR protocols involving Envirochek filtration, flat membrane filtration, immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and IMS-free separation to detect G. lamblia from surface water were compared.

Storage Management and Flood Warning in Urban and non-urban Drainage based on Runoff Prediction
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (8/2010)
Intense rainfall events are a major cause of flooding problems in urban and non urban areas. They are due to increased sealing of areas resulting in high runoff volumes. Especially in urban areas and small catchments the time interval between rainfall event and flood peak can be very short.

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