The Role of Law for Coastal Adaptation to Rising Sea Levels
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (11/2022)
Der Artikel beleuchtet die Rolle des Rechts für die Anpassung an den steigenden Meeresspiegel und einen zukunftsfähigen Küstenschutz. Die derzeitig u.a. in Deutschland vorherrschende Verteidigungsstrategie dürfte auf Dauer an ihre Grenzen stoßen, insbesondere aufgrund zukünftig zu erwartender Kostensteigerungen. Obwohl konkrete Anpassungsmaßnahmen stark von den örtlichen Gegebenheiten abhängen, ist eine Langzeitorientierung von Anpassungsstrategien insgesamt erforderlich. Dies hilft, Maladaptation und sog.

Membrane Filtration of Wastewater Split Flows originating from Paper Industry and Biological Wastewater Treatment of the generated Membrane Concentrates
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2011)
Wastewater effluents from deinking- and TMP processes were taken and were concentrated in 2 stages consisting of ultra- and nanofi ltration. Futher more, the concentrates were biologically treated with a single aerobic and a hybrid anaerobic-aerobic process. With a continuous anaerobic reactor and an aerobic SBR reactor experiments were conducted to study the variations in hydraulic retention time (HRT), food to biomass ratio (F/M) and wastewater concentrate. For the deinking wastewater concentrate, an overall average COD elimination of 51 % and 57 % was achieved for aerobic and anaerobic-aerobic treatment, respectively. Single stage aerobic treatment of TMP wastewater concentrate had an mean COD elimination effi ciency of 61 % and the hybrid anaerobic-aerobic treatment yielded 73 %. The temperature in the aerobic biological SBR reactor was kept stable at 30 °C with an F/M ratio between 0.01 and 0.5 gBOD5/(gSS · d).

Mine Water Treatment by Membrane Filtration Processes – Upscale Experiments
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2011)
The worlds’ diminishing water resources together with stricter environmental legislation lead to the development of new technologies for the treatment of water for mining activities. In arid and remote mining areas a promising approach is the integration of membrane technology into state of the art mine water treatment processes. Reverse Osmosis (RO) as well as the lower pressure nanofi ltration (NF) may be suitable operations to be considered. Recently an NF membrane identifi ed in previous tests was subject to further investigation in two upscale modules. The acidic water, containing sulphate and a variety of metals, was fed into a disc- and a Spacer Tube® spiral wound module in recycle mode. The setup was tested at different working points over 145 h for each run. The results show applicability of NF for desalination of AMD under the mentioned conditions. No visible drop in permeate fl ux was observed, although some scaling occurred.

Challenge of High Water Hardness and Elevated Temperature: MBR Pilot Trials in the Paper Industry under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (9/2011)
The results of two MBR pilot trials conducted in paper mills are discussed. In the fi rst trial it was possible to operate a MBR pilot plant under the challenges of extremely high water hardness and a mean calcium concentration of 770 mg/L that caused massive scaling problems. An upstream lime softening pilot plant was designed and constructed. As a result, the fl ux increased again and the cleaning intervals could be extended signifi cantly. With the help of lime softening, 50–80 % of the calcium was removed upstream of the MBR pilot plant. The second part of the paper describes trials using a thermophilic aerobic MBR (TMBR) at 50 °C. A new and innovative use of submerged fl at-sheet MBR-modules to treat paper industry circuit wastewater was studied. The elimination rates of the TMBR regarding COD and BOD5 were 83 % and 99 %, respectively. A pilot trial was conducted at a fl ux of 4.5 to 8.5 L/m2/h. Lab experiments with a smaller membrane module had shown a higher fl ux of 8 to 13 L/m2/h.

Comparison of IMS-Free and IMS Real-Time PCR Detection of Giardia lamblia from Surface Water
© PSP - Parlar Scientific Publications (12/2010)
Giardia lamblia is one of the most important waterborne pathogenic protozoa. Its occurrence in source and drinking water threatens human health seriously. In this study, four quantitative real-time PCR protocols involving Envirochek filtration, flat membrane filtration, immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and IMS-free separation to detect G. lamblia from surface water were compared.

Disinfection by-products in chlorinated drinking waters in Volos area, central Greece
© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
The occurrence of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) in chlorinated drinking water at different points of the water distribution systems of Volos region (east coast of central Greece) was examined for a period of two years. Determination of THMs was performed after liquid-liquid extraction with pentane and quantification by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (ECD).

Treatability studies for an organized industrial district (OID) effluent in Bursa, Turkiye for agricultural irrigation purposes
© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
The reusability of the effluent from the wastewater treatment plant of an organized industrial district in the northwest of Turkiye was investigated in this study. Chemical precipitation and ion exchange methods were used to obtain a water reusable for agricultural irrigation purposes.

Development of an Environmental Management System according to EMAS in a very large industrial installation: Case study
© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
The Design, Development and Implementation of an Environmental Management System, according to the EMAS European Regulation (761/2001), in a very large industrial complex in Greece (Petroleum Refinery), is presented. This complicated project concerned the Environmental Management of the operation of a great industrial complex with activities characterized by their significant environmental impacts. It was implemented with the co-operation of three collaborating engineering-consulting companies, as well as with the continuous and lasting cooperation of the Management and personnel (administrative and technical) of the industry.

Simplified Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste by Adjustment of Percolation BIOLEACHATE° Process
© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
Most of the MBT-systems have been developed and installed in countries with a sanitary management of municipal solid waste which is financed by public fees or waste charges. When applied in developing and emerging countries these technologies initially have to be adjusted technically for a different composition of solid waste firstly. Secondly the limited budget for treatment of municipal solid waste requires to a costeffective facility process. As a result for this application the approved system of percolation is adjusted to the simplified treatment, BIOLEACHATE° process. Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biodegradation, biogas, dewatering, leaching, mechanicalbiological treatment, percolation, process water treatment, reduction of pollutants, waste water treatment 1 Mechanical and Biological Treatment of Mixed Municipal Solid Waste 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Development of Percolation 1.3 Operating Results of Percolation and ZAK 2 Adjustment of Percolation to BIOLEACHATE° Process 2.1 Reasons for Adjustment of Percolation 2.2 Leaching and Dewatering 2.3 BIOLEACHATE° process 3 Conclusions

Organic residue compost application for soil nutrient improvement in water-saving cultivation of the crops after rice
© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (10/2008)
The research objective is to improve soil nutrient by applying organic residue compost in the paddy field for growing the crops after rice under water-saving cultivation during a dry season in rain fed area.

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