Recyclables and Sorting Plants on the Market – Special Aspects of Antitrust Law, Public Procurement Law and Fiscal Law
© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
This article presents a survey on questions arising in the fields of antitrust law, public procurement law, and fiscal law, when contracts of recyclables (incl. sorting) are drafted. Keywords: Recyclables, sorting plants, antitrust law, public procurement law, fiscal law 1 Introduction 2 Public Procurement Law 2.1 Special Aspects concerning Recyclables 2.2 Special Aspects concerning Sorting Plants 3 Antitrust Law 3.1 The Legal Market Definition Concept 3.2 Markets for Recyclables and the Sorting of Recyclables 4 Fiscal Law 4.1 Privileges of Sovereign Enterprises 4.2 Turnover Tax and Turnover Resembling a Barter Transaction 5 Summary and Outlook



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