Recyclables and Sorting Plants on the Market – Special Aspects of Antitrust Law, Public Procurement Law and Fiscal Law© Wasteconsult International (6/2009)
This article presents a survey on questions arising in the fields of antitrust law, public procurement law, and fiscal law, when contracts of recyclables (incl. sorting) are drafted.
Recyclables, sorting plants, antitrust law, public procurement law, fiscal
1 Introduction
2 Public Procurement Law
2.1 Special Aspects concerning Recyclables
2.2 Special Aspects concerning Sorting Plants
3 Antitrust Law
3.1 The Legal Market Definition Concept
3.2 Markets for Recyclables and the Sorting of Recyclables
4 Fiscal Law
4.1 Privileges of Sovereign Enterprises
4.2 Turnover Tax and Turnover Resembling a Barter Transaction
5 Summary and Outlook