UK Water Body Management Planning in Times of Brexit: Slow De-Europeanisation?
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (12/2023)
This article investigates the extent to which the English and Scottish approaches to water body management planning in times of Brexit constitute a slow De- Europeanisation of law- and policymaking in this field. The article’s starting point is theWater Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (‘WFD’ or ‘Directive’)which requires the EU Member States tomanage both surface water bodies and groundwater ‘with the aimof achieving’ good statuswithin a specified timeframe.

Development of physical-biological filters for groundwater remediation of tetrachlorethen and naphthalene
© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2022)
Groundwater contamination by anthropogenic organic compounds represent a serious threat to water resources, which therefore have to be remediated to be available for future use. In addition, such remediation actions are often time and cost intensive. Hence, the overall goal of the presented project is the development of a physical-biological ex-situ filter for their effective removal.

The Role of Law for Coastal Adaptation to Rising Sea Levels
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (11/2022)
Der Artikel beleuchtet die Rolle des Rechts für die Anpassung an den steigenden Meeresspiegel und einen zukunftsfähigen Küstenschutz. Die derzeitig u.a. in Deutschland vorherrschende Verteidigungsstrategie dürfte auf Dauer an ihre Grenzen stoßen, insbesondere aufgrund zukünftig zu erwartender Kostensteigerungen. Obwohl konkrete Anpassungsmaßnahmen stark von den örtlichen Gegebenheiten abhängen, ist eine Langzeitorientierung von Anpassungsstrategien insgesamt erforderlich. Dies hilft, Maladaptation und sog.

Exposed Geomembrane System at Großer Mühldorfer See Dam
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
Großer Mühldorfer See, a gravity dam owned by Verbund Hydro Power GmbH, will be part of Reisseck II pumped storage plant. The dam, 46.50 m high, has upstream prefabricated concrete slabs sealed with bituminous material and Kemperol strips requiring repeated repairs. A geomembrane system was installed to water tighten the dam and avoid maintenance. Among the challenges, the remote site location, the conditions of the facing and of the plinth, and the difficult climate. The article describes how design addressed such challenges and how installation was carried out to meet the objectives and deadlines.

Chambon dam: a Struggle against AAR
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
Chambon, a 137 m high concrete gravity dam completed in 1935, is affected by heavy AAR. A series of slot cutting and a drained exposed PVC geomembrane were completed in 1994 and provided an extension of service of 20 years. After new studies and the agreement of the authorities, EDF decided in 2013 to carry out new slot cutting, to reinforce the crown by a system of tendons and carbon bands and to install a new geomembrane.

Planning and Design of Kemah Arch Dam in a Very Strong Seismic Region
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
The Kemah arch dam is situated in Turkey close to the Eurasian Seismic Zone, where the peak ground acceleration of a 2 500-year earthquake reaches to a value of 0.70g. In this paper, the planning and design of the arch dam are reported besides presentation of main features of the project. Based on the results of geological and geotechnical investigation including the karstic foundation, shape of the arch dam was optimized using the time-history approach to cope with the extraordinary seismic loading, and the stresses in the arch dam and foundation were analysed in each time step. Based on the determined tensile and compressive stresses, the required concrete classes were accordingly defined.

Deformation Behavior of Sanibey Dam Concrete Slab Joints
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (6/2016)
The 130.0 m high Sanibey Dam is located on Seyhan River in the southern part of Turkey. Construction of CFRD, concrete faced rockfill dam, was completed at the beginning of 2010 and full reservoir level was reached in 2011. The goal of this study is to present the prediction of joint movements to be expected during impounding, based on the observed settlements as monitored during construction for Sanibey Dam. For this purpose, first, the actual construction stages are modeled in finite element model according to the real construction schedule and then, material properties are obtained from back analysis of construction stage. Finally, instrumentation readings of impounding stage are compared with calculated joint displacement values and discussed.

PVC geomembranes in pumped storage schemes
© Springer Vieweg | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (5/2013)
Construction of pumped storage schemes is increasing in many European countries and around the world to implement/backup the energy production from windmills. To ensure efficient and safe operation, the storage reservoirs must be watertight and maintain watertightness over time. Traditional waterproofing solutions like concrete and bituminous concrete linings need periodical and/or accidental maintenance that may have significant impact on operation of the scheme. A viable alternative, based on well-proven systems adopted for new construction and rehabilitation of dams and reservoirs, is to use impervious flexible geomembranes, generally Polyvinylchloride (PVC) composite membranes embedding a backing geotextile for anti-puncture protection, which can be installed on fairly uneven base layers, reducing surface preparation.

Wind Farm Development in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: A Policy Odyssey without Precedent
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (12/2012)
Belgium has a coastline of 65 km and a territorial sea and continental shelf of 3 600 km,2 thus making it the smallest maritime area in North-West Europe. The Belgian marine environment is intensively used by different actors, competing with each other for limited space. Activities include recreation and tourism, shipping, fisheries, dredging, military activities, laying of cables and pipelines and mineral extraction.

The Right to Water as an International Custom: The Implications in Climate Change Adaptation Measures
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (9/2012)
Water scarcity is a phenomenon of great concern at the international level. Climate change has significant impacts on water access, causing long dry period or intense precipitation, floods and drought. In the brief analysis, it will be proved through States’ practice that the right to water has almost achieved the status of a customary international norm as an independent human right, thus creating obligations upon all States. Considering the relation between water and climate change, it will be argued that the human right to water may be integrated in the adaptation measures provided for by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, even though the human rights and climate change regimes are distinct. The practice in climate change adaptation measures which consider the necessity of granting the access to water to the population is an element which supports the existence of an international custom recognizing the right to water as an independent human right. At the same time, however, this international custom may imply the development of a human rights-based approach in matters concerning climate change.

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