Mechanical biological waste treatment plant for Bangalore west zone© Wasteconsult International (5/2017)
Proper solid waste management is a problem in many developing countries, especially in their big cities. Wasteconsult International was developing a solution for the municipal waste processing for the West Zone district of the Indian mega-city Bangalore. For that purpose, studies regarding the quality and quantity of the waste had to be made first in order to decide which processing concept is the most favourable. Incineration and Mechanical-Biological treatment was taken into consideration. According to the attributions of the waste, MBT process with a convertible bio-drying and composting process was chosen and designed.
Application of Anaerobic Digestion for the Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste in Several Projects© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (11/2014)
In a circular economy there can be no place for waste announced EU Environmental Commissioneer Janez Potocnik in his opening speech for the green week in June 2014 in Brussels. This year´s topic Circular Economy – saving resources, creating jobs showed a clear sign and dedicated this years congress in the opening speech to the circular and resource economy and therewith to the waste management economy.
In the resolutions taken at environmental summit conferences in the last 20 years priority focus was always given to closed circular economy processes to save natural resources and to reduce CO2 emissions, which have their origin in the use of fossile fuels. This aspect has been taken over by the European Union long time ago and the EU directive 1999/31/EC where article 5 considers the limitation of organic materials to be landfilled.
Ecoefficiency Comparison of the Anaerobic Digestion, Composting and Incineration of Bio-Waste© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (11/2014)
Whereas for a long time, the waste industry and waste management interest was focussed on safe and environmentally compatible disposal of unavoidable and recyclable waste, today the priority is renewable energy generation, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improving recycling management of recoverable materials. In this context, this paper deals specifically with bio-waste. Bio-waste produced in Germany is divided into the following most important partial flows:
• Bio-waste and green waste (garden cuttings, etc.) from municipal collection
• Landscape maintenance materials
• Other organic waste, especially food waste from industry and commerce
Digestate and Compost qualities focus on nitrogen and organic matter respective brings to crops and to cultivated soils© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2014)
CIRSEE team contributes for Suez Environnement and in collaboration with different public and private partners to the collaborative R&D program DIVA that is partially financed by ANR and that is dedicated to the characterization and agricultural recovery of different digestates produced in France. CIRSEE participates to the task “agronomic characterization” that is led by INRA and realizes different laboratory and “on land” tests in order to precise and compare the agronomic value of different organic products : raw digestates, composted digestates as Methacompost or simple composts produced from domestic or agricultural waste.
Organic matter transformation drives the fate of organic micropollutants during anaerobic digestion and composting of sludge© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2014)
In France, sewage sludge is very often recycled on cropped soils as fertilizer substitute. To avoid impacts related to organic micropollutant input in soil, it is necessary to ensure their dissipation from the sludge during the stabilization processes like anaerobic digestion and composting. The behaviour of organic micropollutants (13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nonylphenols, 2 antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin), 1 hormone (β-estradiol) and 1 anti-inflammatory drug (ibuprofen)) was experimentally studied during lab-scale anaerobic digestion followed by composting. At the same time, the fate of organic matter was studied during the treatments. To go further on the comprehension of organic micropollutants dissipation mechanisms, the organic matter was chemically fractionated according to its accessibility.
A new organic matter fractionation methodology applied on a large panel of organic wastes: accessibility characterization for bioaccessibility prediction and process modelling improvement© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2014)
The huge amount of organic wastes can be treated through biological processes such as anaerobic digestion or composting for their energetic and agricultural valorization. In order to predict the fate of the organic matter in these processes, knowledge on biodegradability and bioaccessibility is crucial. However, in the literature there is a lack of protocol to assess organic matter bioaccessibility. Recently, a methodology based on chemical sequential extractions combined with fluorescence spectroscopy has been developed for sewage sludge. A successful correlation with bioaccessibility was shown. However, this technique was based on alkaline extractions which target proteins and humic acids and was not sufficient for the carbohydrates or lignocellulosic substrates characterization.