Overview of the Waste Management Situation and Planning in Greece© Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (9/2016)
Waste management has been recognized as one of the most pressing problems in Greece suffering of a low level of organization and relying predominantly on semi-controlled landfills until the end of the previous century [9]. Nevertheless improvements have been made during the last twenty years making the solid waste management in Greece a well-structured, organized and environmentally responsible activity with specific goals, mostly in the urban areas. However, there is a big need of changing the waste Management model. The development of efficient use of resources is the mean of realizing this vision. The transformation of the economy towards a resource-efficient direction will lead to increased competitiveness and new sources of growth and jobs through cost reduction through improved efficiency, commercialization of innovations and better management of resources throughout the duration of cycle life.
Efficient Re-Use of Tunnel Excavation Material by Using New Technologies© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2014)
Watching the upcoming underground projects within the European region, more than 800 Million tons of material will be excavated for the construction of underground infrastructures such as railway and road tunnels, metros and power plants in the predictable future.
Carbon Footprint Tool for Municipal Waste Management in Styria© Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2014)
The contribution of waste management operations to environmental protection is mostly looked at in terms of the collection and treatment of waste. Due to international contracts, as Kyoto Protocol and national emission reduction objectives, Stakeholder are confronted with collecting data, calculation of emissions and presenting them within sustainability reports.
Modelling the Impact of urban compost application on Nitrogen Dynamics in a cultivated soil© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
Urban compost use in agriculture has since long been seen as a mean to reverse the decline of soil organic matter and toimprove soil physical conditions, leading to both agronomic and environmental benefits. However, the application ofurban compost to soil affects nitrogen dynamics in soil through the release of mineral nitrogen that has to be consideredin plant fertilization to avoid nitrate leaching and ground water contamination related to excessive or unbalanced supplyof nutrients.
Further Auhtors:
Chalhoub M. - INRA, France
Coquet Y. - AgroParistech-INRA, France
J. Doublet - Veolia Environnement Recherche & Innovation, France
Compostability of Plastics and packaging: Standards on biodegradability and ecotoxicity© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
The first attempts to define a standard on requirements for plastics and packaging suitable to composting date back tothe middle of 90s, when ORCA (Organic Reclamation and Composting Association) in Europe and ISR-ASTM(Institute for Standard Research of ASTM) in the USA, started fundamental preliminary works. Official standardspecifications were developed shortly after. ASTM D6400 (Standard Specification for Compostable Plastics) wasoriginally published in 1999 and the European harmonised standard EN 13432 (Packaging. Requirements for packagingrecoverable through composting and biodegradation. Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance ofpackaging) the year after.
Modelling the Dynamics of organic pollutants in soil following the spreading of sludge-green waste composts© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
The aim of this work was to evaluate our COP-Soil model derived from the COP-Compost model (Zhang et al., 2012;Lashermes et al., submitted), using experimental data that described the evolution of carbon from organic matter (OM)and organic pollutants (OPs) after the incorporation of composts into soil. We used the results of experiments wheresludge-green waste composts, containing residues of 14 C-fluoranthene, 14C-nonylphenol, 14C-glyphosate and 14C-linearalkylbenzene sulfonate from composting treatment (Lashermes et al., 2012a), were mixed to soil and incubated for 140 days under controlled aerated conditions (Haudin et al., in preparation).
Further Author:
C.N. Geng - INRA, France
Statistical Analysis of residential Food waste capture rates in Italy at municipal and regional level© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
This paper analyses capture rates of source separated food waste, focusing on data investigated from official publicwaste reports of Italian Local Authorities and Waste Monitoring Agencies, which show details at the level of theindividual municipalities.Source separation of residential food waste, performed with the typical Italian scheme (small kitchen buckets withcompostable bags) has spread throughout the country at a steady pace since 1998; currently, almost half of themunicipalities in Italy have implemented this kind of collection of residential food waste.
Comparison of Batch and semi-comtinuous acidogenic process of Food waste anaerobic digestion© European Compost Network ECN e.V. (6/2012)
During food waste anaerobic digestion (AD), higher rate of acidogenesis than the methanogenesis affects the stability of the reactor in a single-phase AD system. To decouple the acidogenesis from methanogenesis with the purpose to optimize each reactor separately, in recent years, a two-phase AD is proposed, especially to treat high solid food waste. In the two-phase system, leach bed reactor (LBR) as the first phase, i.e. hydrolysis-acidogenesis, of the two-phase system has gained more attention due to its operational simplicity and efficiency for organic wastes with high solids content.
Further Authors:
S.Y. Xu - Hong Kong Baptist University