Future Development of Waste Management in China According to the 13th Five-Year Plan
© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (9/2016)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) known as trash or garbage consists of food waste, paper, cardboard, plastics, PET, glass, textiles, metals, wood and leather, nappies, slug, ash, etc. are arising from human and animal activities. The rapid development and urbanization of China have resulted in an increasing volume of MSW. So the problem of MSW management has become a major social problem, but one the other hand, because of their intrinsic properties, MSW are often reusable and may be considered a resource for energy recovery. The delivering quantity of household waste averages 179 million tons in China, and the amount of untreated MSW over the years has reached 7 billion tons.

Wrong Tracks in Waste Management
© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (9/2016)
Waste Management is ubiquitous in our everyday life. Economic prosperity and the abundance of materialistic goods imply the generation of waste. In parallel the public awareness for environmentally sound solutions in the field of waste management is raising. This context imposes challenging conditions for political leaders. Often politicians are confronted to take decisions about concepts or investments in waste management without independent expertise. They are approached by vendors of waste treatment technologies or concepts, claiming high environmental and energetic performance, combined with profitable cost – benefit rates.

Overview of the Waste Management Situation and Planning in Greece
© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (9/2016)
Waste management has been recognized as one of the most pressing problems in Greece suffering of a low level of organization and relying predominantly on semi-controlled landfills until the end of the previous century [9]. Nevertheless improvements have been made during the last twenty years making the solid waste management in Greece a well-structured, organized and environmentally responsible activity with specific goals, mostly in the urban areas. However, there is a big need of changing the waste Management model. The development of efficient use of resources is the mean of realizing this vision. The transformation of the economy towards a resource-efficient direction will lead to increased competitiveness and new sources of growth and jobs through cost reduction through improved efficiency, commercialization of innovations and better management of resources throughout the duration of cycle life.

Long-Term Efficiency of Gentle Soil Remediation - The GREENLAND Project
© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2014)
Gentle remediation options (GRO) include various and in general plant-based Options to remediate trace element contaminated soils (TECS) at low cost and without significant negative effects for the environment. Although GRO comprise very innovative and effi cient technologies, they are still not widely used as practical site solution due to several hindrance reasons.

Review of the List of Restricted Substances in EEE under RoHS
© Lehrstuhl fĂĽr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben (11/2014)
Given the provisions of the RoHS2-Directive (2011/65/EU) which came into force in 2011 the list of restricted substances in electrical and electronic equipment shall be reviewed periodically, the fi rst time by July 2014. In 2012 the European Commission launched a study with the 2 main objectives: to develop a methodology to identify and assess substances for a potential restriction in EEE and to assess selected substances with a view to their future restriction.

The role of waste management in the control of hazardous substances: lessons learned
© Eigenbeiträge der Autoren (11/2012)
Sorting and disposal of waste are the last steps in the “lifetime” of a product. If products are contaminated with chemicals assessed to be hazardous for man or environment, waste management has the role of a vacuum cleaner in substance chain management working in two different ways: The hazardous compounds have to be properly separated from potential secondary resources in sorting processes. If this is not possible, those products have to be disposed safely. Starting from the experiences collected with some chemicals banned, the tools used for phasing out these chemicals from the technosphere are studied with respect to their influence on the contamination of the environment.

Self-Ignition of deposits containing recycling materials – an Underestimated Phenomenon
© Wasteconsult International (5/2011)
Fires on waste dumps, surface landfills, underground stowing or storage facilities of recycling factories may have multiple harmful effects on individuals on site and on environment.

Monitoring of landfill gas in the industrial production zone
© NMC Ltd. (10/2010)
Monitoring skládkového plynu v areálu průmyslového závodu

Closing down Pääsküla landfill. Post-closedown environmental monitoring and maintenance of the landfill
© NMC Ltd. (10/2010)
Pääsküla landfill is the largest municipal waste landfill in Estonia which was established 1972 and closed 2003. The landfill was closed down during 2003-2006 within ISPA (The Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-accession) project. At the moment of closing down its volume was 4,5 million cubic metres, relative height 29 metres and its area nearly 30 hectares. The total cost of the project was 11 225 009 EUR (175 633 228 EEK) including V.A.T 18 per cent. Objectives of the projects were to minimize the environmental impacts in a long perspective against main hazards as contamination of groundwater and surface water, landfill gas leakage, health hazards to neighbourhood dwellings and nuisance like smell, fly trash, gulls and other birds and rodents.

Realizing Waste Management: How to Start
© ThomĂ©-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH (3/2010)
Basing on over 40 years of experienced implementation waste disposal plans, the principal aspects of a prosperous realization are shown and illustrated with failed and successful cases. A project for thermal treatment of waste requires answering primarily questions about organization and communication. Technical concepts are important but should be approached in a second step. It is of crucial importance to consider experts in order to professionalize all the necessary operations.

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