Production of biomass in wet peatlands (paludiculture). The EU-AID project ‚Wetland energy‘ in Belarus – solutions for the substitution of fossil fuels (peat briquettes) by biomass from wet peatlands
© Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche FakultĂ€t UniversitĂ€t Rostock (6/2012)
Based on earlier successfully implemented peatland rewetting projects in Belarus and biomass-related expertise of Michael Succow Foundation and Greifswald University, this project deals with the sustainable utilisation of wet or rewetted peatlands (paludiculture).

Kurzumtriebsplantagen statt Raps
© Eigenbeiträge der Autoren (11/2011)
Innerhalb von 10 Jahren hat sich die Zahl der Pelletheizungen in Deutschland von 3000 auf 15000 erhöht. Biomasse wird immer mehr in Energie umgewandelt. Raps fĂŒr Biodiesel wĂ€chst auf fast einem Millionen Hektar, Kurzumtriebsplantagen gibt es in Deutschland erst auf 3000 Hektar. Eine von vielen Möglichkeiten zur Nachnutzung von Deponien wie sie im EU Projekt SULFANET untersucht wurden.

© HAWK Hochschule fĂŒr angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - FakultĂ€t Ressourcenmanagement (10/2011)
Low value biomass, e.g. from wastestream or agricultural side products, is a potentially very valuable raw material source. For that, the process of hydrothermal carbonization can be used as a material and energetic densification, but also unification technology. As the resulting products bind carbon from natural, regrowing resources, they potentially influence the CO2-balance sheet in a negative fashion. It will be discussed how such novel usage cascades can contribute to energy/materials generation or CO2-sequestration schemes.

© HAWK Hochschule fĂŒr angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - FakultĂ€t Ressourcenmanagement (10/2011)
The paper gives an overview of different ways of charcoal production with growing complexity. It starts mentioning charcoal pits that were used here in the past and that are still used now in weakly industrialized countries. It continues with the description of retort pits, which are developed in present and it deals with several methods of pyrolysis that could have a chance in future like thermal converters and flash pyrolyses.

Injection of biogas, SNG and hydrogen into the gas grid
© DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH / Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (4/2011)
Next to wind and hydro power the power generation with biogas as fuel is an emerging technology. Today almost 6000 biomass digesters are in operation in Germany. Alas, only about 10 % of the co-generated heat is used on site. Therefore, upgrading and injection of biogas to the gas grid is a viable alternative in order to improve the overall energy balance of the fermentation based processes.

Biomass Wastes-to-Energy in China – Biogas from Landfills or Anaerobic Digestion Plants?
© Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der MontanuniversitĂ€t Leoben (11/2010)
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in China has acknowledged that till 2050 up to one third of three billion tons of coal per year could be replaced by biomass energy in China. Renewable Energy from biomass waste is one of the pillars in China’s long term power supply strategy, targeting 15% renewable energy generation or about 600 GW in 2020. Landfill gas, including biogas from waste water treatment plants and from agriculture biogas plants are seen as the main sources (NDRC 2007).

Pyrolytic Pretreatment Process for Co-Firing Agricultural Residues
© Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der MontanuniversitĂ€t Leoben (11/2010)
A pyrolysis process can be used to split up the biomass in a volatile fraction poor in undesired substances (Cl, N, S, Na and K) and a char fraction where these substances are concentrated.

Mitigating Climate Change by Using Horse Manure as an Energy Source in Finland
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (10/2010)
Using horse manure and bedding material as an energy source is an option that deserves consideration in the context of the EU objectives for increasing the use of energy from renewable sources and mitigating climate change.

EU Technology Strategy on Bioenergy: From Blue-Sky Research to Targeted Technology Development
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (10/2010)
This article presents the main objectives and aims of the EU policy on energy from biomass resources and the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI), the central technology vehicle for achieving the bioenergy targets of the European Union by 2020 and beyond. The article focuses on the leading role of the biomass industry in providing the deployment of the necessary technologies and the instruments provided by the Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan.

Designed for growth: Food waste is perfect for bio-gas generation
© Deutscher Fachverlag (DFV) (6/2010)
With the completion and commissioning of the Malchin food waste fermentation plant, its designer Entec Biogas GmbH of Austria, has obtained a further large-scale contract in this field of bio-gas technology. Planning is currently underway for the Selby food waste fermentation bio-gas plant in England; the first stage of construction is slated to begin this year.

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