Legal requirements and practice of the transport of healthcare waste within European Union© Wasteconsult International (6/2010)
Transport of healthcare waste moves enormous quantities within European Union every year and is regulated by European and international legislation on the transport of hazardous goods, according to the classification established internationally by UNO. From a legal point of view, two international instruments have been incorporated in European Law to regulate this sector.
Environmental economics of advanced regeneration methods of mineral oil using synthetic adsorbents© Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (6/2009)
Mineral transformer oils are characterized by the European Waste Catalogue 2002 (EWC 2002) and marked with code 13 03 07. Usage of these oils as energy sources and their incineration are strictly forbidden while their transportation and storage is legislated. In addition to their complicated handling procedures, their price is steeply raising in line with recent changes in market crude oil prices.