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Henrik Lystad appointed as New Chair of ECN

The ECN members elected at the Annual Meeting 2015 of the European Compost Network on 24th June 2015 in Brussels Henrik Lystad, representing the Waste Management Association of Norway (Avfall Norge) and member of the ECN Board since 2011, as chairman for the next election period.

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Obituary: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Raninger and Ms. Dong Shanshan

It is with a deep sense of sadness and shock that we must pass on the following sad information: On the 1st of November 2013, our dear colleagues Prof. Dr. Bernhard Raninger and Ms. Dong Shanshan died in a tragic car accident in Fushun (close to Shenyang) while on a business trip.

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The Poul la Cour Prize

Dr. Ian Mays, CEO and founder of RES has been awarded the prestigious Poul la Cour Prize by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) for his tireless contributions to the development of wind energy on the international stage.

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